Copper Red Jasper + Garnet Necklace - comes on leather lace Jasper “Supreme Nurturer” Acts as a reminder that one is not here, on this physical plane, just for oneself, but is also here to bring joy and substance to others, assisting others in releasing bonds of constraint. Conducive to self-awareness. Was often worn by shaman to provide protection. Holds an aspect of solar energy and solar plexus connection. Protects against negativity and helps one to be grounded to the stabilizing energies of the earth. Helps balance the yin-yang energy and the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies with the etheric energies. Stabilizes the aura and provides a cleansing effect to smooth dysfunctional energies and to eliminate negativity. Can be used for dowsing. - Red Jasper Rectifying of unjust circumstances; meditation with the stone can provide insight to method of amelioration. The message of this stone is that all choices are singularly one's responsibility. Assists in helping one to learn to progress, and to eliminate the aspects of digression. Garnet “Stone of health” Extracts negative energy from the chakras. Sacred stone use by Native American, South American Indians, the Aztec, African tribal elders, and the Mayans. Helps to shift one's world with expansiveness and awareness and manifestation. Enhances one's internal fire, brings in the creative powers to the stage of implementation. “Stone of commitment“ to purpose, to others, and to oneself. Kundalini balance and development, root and crown chakra stimulation, adjusts energy flow for balanced, calm and stable vitality. Amplifies emotional and intellectual regeneration. Helps integrate experiences and accept emotions as well as regain balance. Signs: Aquarius, Capricorn, Leo, Virgo. Chakras: Root, Sacral, Heart Copper “Bestower of good,” bringing luck to the wearer. Combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. Stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence. Harmonizes the physical, astral bodies, and other subtle bodies. Amplifies and transmits thought. Activates and opens the base and sacral chakras, advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality – directing these energies toward the pursuit of one’s path of evolution. Balances blood within the body, increasing circulatory functions when necessary. Can be used to treat arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and stimulate metabolic processes. *FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - FROM LOVE IS IN THE EARTH BY MELODY*

Abalone + Smoky Quartz Sterling Silver Necklace /comes on Black Leather Lace Abalone Enhances feelings of peace, compassion and love. Warm, gentle vibration. It is great in times of tough emotional issues, soothing the nerves and encouraging a calm demeanor. Opens our psychic and intuitive connections. Abalone is an excellent companion when needing guidance in relationships as it enhances and supports communication, cooperation, commitment and compromise, which in turn lead to harmony and balance. It also helps us to understand both sides of issues by encouraging us to take a moment to stand in the other person’s “shoes”, and thus glean a more objective standpoint, which is helpful for both parties. Abalone is a perfect gift for those who have survived traumatic experiences, to let them know that while they may have been tossed and turned themselves as the shell has been in the sea, in the end, they are only more beautiful for it. Signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat. Smoky Quartz Transforms negative emotions and negative energy patterns: penetrates and dissolves energy fields which have been generated from negative thought forms, anger, and resentment. Gently dissolves emotional blockages. Refines one's state of meditation-allowing clarity of thought and elimination of impeding willfulness. Balances yin-yang energies. Great for grounding and enhancing attentiveness. Signs: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio. Chakra: Root *FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY* From Love Is In The Earth by Melody

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Copper Aqua Aura Quartz + Labradorite Necklace - Comes on leather lace Aqua Aura Quartz Stimulates the throat chakra and encourages “opening to channel.” Used to activate other minerals for healing. Used to cleanse and smooth the aura, activate all chakras, and release negativity from ones emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual bodies. Chakras: Throat, Third Eye. Signs: Aquarius, Leo Labradorite “Stone of Magick” Assists one in understanding, sustaining and maintaining the destiny one has chosen. Aids in traversing changes, attracting strength and perseverance. Provides clarity to inner sight. Protects one’s aura, helps to keep clear, balanced, and free of energy leaks. Aids connection between physical and ethereal realms. Promotes synthesis of intellectual thought with the intuitive, mystical, and psychic wisdom. Reduces anxiety and stress. Helps one to facilitate transformations which are beneficial while enhancing patience and an inner knowing of “the right time.” Assists one in locating that which has been mis-placed and in discovering and understanding previously unidentified messages from both within and without. Signs: Leo, Sagitarius, Scorpio. Chakras: Third eye, Crown Copper “Bestower of good,” bringing luck to the wearer. Combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. Stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence. Harmonizes the physical, astral bodies, and other subtle bodies. Amplifies and transmits thought. Activates and opens the base and sacral chakras, advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality – directing these energies toward the pursuit of one’s path of evolution. Balances blood within the body, increasing circulatory functions when necessary. Can be used to treat arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and stimulate metabolic processes. *FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - FROM LOVE IS IN THE EARTH BY MELODY*

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Copper Carnelian + Blue Apatite Necklace - comes on leather lace Carnelian Protects against envy, fear, and rage while helping to banish sorrow from the emotional structure. Awakens ones inherent talents. Can be used to dispel apathy, indolence, and passivity. Stabilizes energy of the home. Great for cleansing negativity from other stones. Stimulates inquisitiveness and subsequent initiative. Useful for work on the first, second, third, and fourth chakra as to increase physical energy, personal power, creativity, and compassion. The message of carnelian is that since one IS love, there is nothing to do but to offer that love - each offering of love bringing an exponential increase in the quantity of love returned. Chakras: Sacral. Signs: Cancer, Leo, Taurus Apatite Stimulates the intellect to promote realization that one's strength occurs through both spiritual avenues and love. Related to service and the development of humanitarian pursuits. Attuned to healing, storing information, communicating, balancing energy, and teaching. Useful in the expansion of knowledge and in the disclosure of the “truth to freedom.“ Integrates, coordinates, and balances the emotional, intellectual, physical, and etheric bodies. Can also help to eliminate over activity, under activity, blockage, or congestion from any of the chakras. Enhances creativity - a stone of the future used to awaken the finer, inner self. Stimulates the development of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and the awareness of the devic worlds. Signs: Gemini, Libra. Chakras: Throat, Solar Plexus, Third eye Copper “Bestower of good,” bringing luck to the wearer. Combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. Stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence. Harmonizes the physical, astral bodies, and other subtle bodies. Amplifies and transmits thought. Activates and opens the base and sacral chakras, advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality – directing these energies toward the pursuit of one’s path of evolution. Balances blood within the body, increasing circulatory functions when necessary. Can be used to treat arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and stimulate metabolic processes. *FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - FROM LOVE IS IN THE EARTH BY MELODY*

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Copper Scolecite + Onyx Necklace - comes on leather lace Scolecite Opens the network of information to facilitate communication with other worlds: primarily the spirit world. Extra-terrestrial communication. Provides for thoughtful cultivation of associates and the creation of cohesion in relationships and organizations. Furthers the action of the “team spirit.” Assists in accessing basis of a problem - serving to support the transformation of the heart to love. Supports control of one’s life, promoting actualization of the preferred reality. Used in treatment of intestinal disorders, spinal disalignment, bruises and wounds. Sign: Capricorn. Chakras: Crown, Third Eye Onyx Initiates modes of centering and alignment of the total person with the higher powers. Banishes grief, enhances self-control, and stimulates the power of wise decision making. Encourages happiness and good fortune. Helps one to absorb, from the universe, those energies which are needed. Cleanses the intuitive receivers while furthering the quality of sentience of the instincts, helping one to both see and feel the guidance. Balances the energy of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Alleviates hostilities, irritability, and melancholy. Enhances generosity, responsiveness, and receptivity. Sign: Leo Copper “Bestower of good,” bringing luck to the wearer. Combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. Stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence. Harmonizes the physical, astral bodies, and other subtle bodies. Amplifies and transmits thought. Activates and opens the base and sacral chakras, advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality – directing these energies toward the pursuit of one’s path of evolution. Balances blood within the body, increasing circulatory functions when necessary. Can be used to treat arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and stimulate metabolic processes. *FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - FROM LOVE IS IN THE EARTH BY MELODY*

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Brass + Copper Abalone + Amethyst Necklace - Comes on leather lace Abalone Enhances feelings of peace, compassion and love. Warm, gentle vibration. It is great in times of tough emotional issues, soothing the nerves and encouraging a calm demeanor. Opens our psychic and intuitive connections. Abalone is an excellent companion when needing guidance in relationships as it enhances and supports communication, cooperation, commitment and compromise, which in turn lead to harmony and balance. It also helps us to understand both sides of issues by encouraging us to take a moment to stand in the other person’s “shoes”, and thus glean a more objective standpoint, which is helpful for both parties. Abalone is a perfect gift for those who have survived traumatic experiences, to let them know that while they may have been tossed and turned themselves as the shell has been in the sea, in the end, they are only more beautiful for it. Signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat. Amethyst “The stone of spirituality, contentment, meditation, and sobriety.” Representative of the principles of complete metamorphosis. Transmutes lower energies into higher frequencies. Provides clear connection between Earth and other worlds. Balances the energy of the intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies. Bestows stability, strength, invigoration, and peace. Provides psychic protection and psychic center activation. Signs: Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo. Chakras: Third Eye, Crown Brass In spiritual and metaphysical traditions, brass is the metal that brings out natural good and inner truth. Brass tells of clearing away the old debris and getting to the pure and natural truth. Composed of copper and zinc, brass has metaphysical healing properties to boost the immune system and to give courage. Copper “Bestower of good,” bringing luck to the wearer. Combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. Stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence. Harmonizes the physical, astral bodies, and other subtle bodies. Amplifies and transmits thought. Activates and opens the base and sacral chakras, advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality – directing these energies toward the pursuit of one’s path of evolution. Balances blood within the body, increasing circulatory functions when necessary. Can be used to treat arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and stimulate metabolic processes. *FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - FROM LOVE IS IN THE EARTH BY MELODY*

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Copper Green Goldstone + Amethyst + Tigers Eye Necklace Necklace - comes on leather lace Goldstone “Stone of ambition” Assists in attaining one’s goals, keeping one’s emotions stable and calm, revitalizes one’s personal energy field, builds confidence, courage, a positive attitude, and promotes vitality. A reminder that light can always be found in the darkness. Sign: Sagittarius. Chakras: Root, Sacral + Solar Plexus Amethyst “The stone of spirituality, contentment, meditation, and sobriety.” Representative of the principles of complete metamorphosis. Transmutes lower energies into higher frequencies. Provides clear connection between Earth and other worlds. Balances the energy of the intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies. Bestows stability, strength, invigoration, and peace. Provides psychic protection and psychic center activation. Signs: Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo. Chakras: Third Eye, Crown Tigers Eye Synthesizes the energy of the Sun and Earth. Combines sharpness and grounding. Its vibration is conducive to peacefulness and stimulates the actions required to advance the encounters with others during meditative states. Helpful for clarity seekers. Brings brightness and optimism to the user. Used to enhance psychic abilities and gentle attunement of 1st eye activity – this stone being best adapted to “earthy” people. At the base chakra, it can help to discipline sexual and emotional life. At the solar plexus, promotes intuitive impressions. Provides balance of yin-yang energy.Sign: Capricorn, Leo. Chakra: Solar Plexus, Sacral, Third Eye. *FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - FROM LOVE IS IN THE EARTH BY MELODY*

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Copper Black Obsidian + Golden Rutilated Quartz Necklace - comes on leather lace Black Obsidian A very powerful grounding and protective stone. It creates a shield from ill energies and helps to cleanse the aura. Aiding in balancing the root chakra, Black Obsidian assists one in feeling safe in all environments. Brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion. It increases self-control and releases imbalances while repelling negative energies (great for toxic work environments). Promotes qualities of compassion and strength. Can also be used for scrying by peering into the blackness of the stone, allowing images to flood the consciousness. Signs: Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio. Chakra: Root Golden Rutilated Quartz Combined properties of rutile and sagenite. Gets to the root of a problem, providing access to the reason for discomfort, so that one can remedy the situation. Stimulates awareness of the connections between this physical life and the situations. Rutile Represents Venus and the arrows of love. Brings strength with love, ease in transition, growth in all avenues of one's development, and calm, reason, and order. Repels negative energy. A stone for stabilizing relationships, marriages, mental processes, and emotional and physical imbalances. Aids in realizing that each person shares the powers of the Universe, passion of the planets, and understanding from the advanced worlds. Helps to energize solar plexus chakra. Sagenite is a stone for wisdom. Helps to gain insight into the inner being without being required to repeat onerous situations. Acute mental discernment and enhanced practicality. Deliberate action with kindness. Signs: Gemini, Leo, Taurus. Chakras: ALL Copper “Bestower of good,” bringing luck to the wearer. Combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. Stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence. Harmonizes the physical, astral bodies, and other subtle bodies. Amplifies and transmits thought. Activates and opens the base and sacral chakras, advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality – directing these energies toward the pursuit of one’s path of evolution. Balances blood within the body, increasing circulatory functions when necessary. Can be used to treat arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and stimulate metabolic processes. *FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - FROM LOVE IS IN THE EARTH BY MELODY*

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Copper Chrysocolla Necklace - comes on leather lace Chrysocolla Revitalizes and calms the base,navel, and solar plexus chakras. At heart chakra, helps to ease emotional heartache and renewed strength and balance to further increase one’s capacity to love. Throat chakra, strength and balance in expression and communication. Provides for grounding while transmitting and furthering stabilizing and balancing energies. How does one become attuned to the earth. Assist in communication with spiritual forces of Earth and can help one to understand that which is required in order for Earth to heal itself. Can produce great I. Ear strength, helping to sustain one during stressful and long-enduring situations. Promotes physical vitality, Harmony, and understanding of others. Can work to eliminate negativity from with in a person. Signs: Gemini, Virgo,Taurus. Chakras: Throat, Heart. Copper “Bestower of good,” bringing luck to the wearer. Combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. Stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence. Harmonizes the physical, astral bodies, and other subtle bodies. Amplifies and transmits thought. Activates and opens the base and sacral chakras, advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality – directing these energies toward the pursuit of one’s path of evolution. Balances blood within the body, increasing circulatory functions when necessary. Can be used to treat arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and stimulate metabolic processes. *FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - FROM LOVE IS IN THE EARTH BY MELODY*